Established Facts: Why None of the Four Named Planes Crashed at the Four Named Targets on 9/11
Evidence Not Beliefs, Facts Not Beliefs, Knowledge Not Beliefs
The idea of this article is to briefly highlight a set of the established facts which are not openly known by the majority of people, in relation to the 4 named planes which “alleged” crashed on 9/11.
I have written many articles covering these facts on my blog, and they are thoroughly sourced from “official” 9/11 documents and FBI investigation material. The evidence of the facts I list in this article, which is a quick breakdown of FACTS have been drawn from the evidence I have researched over the last 15 years.
American Airlines Flight 11 (North Tower)
FACT 1: At the time we were told American 11 crashed at 8:46 a.m., there was no Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) activated, when there should have been.
FACT 2: American 11 was still airborne after the alleged crash. The official NOARD communication recordings show that American 11 was heading towards Washington.
FACT 3: The air traffic controllers reported American 11’s coordinate location with its latitude and longitude, showing American 11 was 5.77 miles past the North Tower.
FACT 4: The aircraft was also confirmed to be American 11 because of the tail number given, which matched American 11’s tail number.
United Airlines Flight 175 (South Tower)
FACT 1: According to the official Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), it reveals United 175 took-off at 8:23 a.m., and not 8:14 a.m. This fact as never been addressed by authorities.
FACT 2: At the time we were told United 175 crashed at 9:03 a.m., there was no Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) activated, when there should have been.
FACT 3: Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages show that United 175 was still airborne after the crash.
FACT 3: Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages were sent from the ground to United 175, which show that United 175 was over Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, which is nowhere near New York at the time of crash at 9:03am.
FACT 4: One of the Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages was received by the plane after the “alleged” crash, which would be impossible if the plane had crashed.
FACT 5: The Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages prove that United 175 did not make a turn and head back towards the South Tower.
FACT 6: United 175 was captured still airborne 1 hour and 25 minutes after the “alleged” crash on TV news live coverage on MSNBC at 10:25am, where Flight Explorer a real time software program (which operates in real time with the FAA), showed United 175 flying over Connecticut.
American Airlines Flight 77 (Pentagon)
FACT 1: DCC Radar evidence which was released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows that American 77 did not turn around on the Kentucky & Ohio boarder as we were told, but continued in its flight path and flew over Missouri and St Louis Airport into Kansas, before turning around and heading back to Missouri and then disappeared off radar.
FACT 2: CNN showed American 77 did not turn around on Flight Explorer, but showed American 77 continuing on in its flight path.
FACT 3: It was well documented in “official” Air Traffic Control (ATC) transcripts that American 77 was over Missouri and Kansas and not flying back towards the Pentagon.
FACT 5: At the time we were told American 77 crashed at 9:37 a.m., there was no Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) activated, when there should have been.
United Airlines Flight 93 (Shanksville)
FACT 1: We were told that UA93 took-off at 8:42 a.m., however documented in the “official” Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), United 93 took-off at 8:28 a.m.
FACT 2: Official Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages show that United 93 was still airborne and after the “official” crash time.
FACT 3: According to Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages, United 93 was flying over Champaign, IL, near Chicago which is well over 500 miles away from Pittsburgh and Shanksville where it crashed.
FACT 4: This is also corroborated by Col. Marr, who was on record, and told the FBI investigation that United 93 was circling over Chicago.
FACT 5: Air Traffic Control’s last coordinates placed United 93, 15 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, proving that United 93 did not have crash in Shanksville.
FACT 6: According to Linda Justice on official communication recordings, United 93 was flashing over Hagerstown, which is 67 miles past the crash site in Shanksville.
FACT 7: This lends even more weight that United 93 was still indeed airborne and where it was heading.
FACT 8: United 93 was shown on Flight Aware as having landed at Reagan National Airport 10:28 a.m.
FACT 9: According to the 9/11 Commission investigation files, United 93 requested a flight to Hagerstown, which was changed to Reagan National Airport.
FACT 10: According to many mainstream media sources as CNN news coverage on 9/11, United 93 filed a new flight plan from the plane, with its destination to Reagan National Airport with an Estimated Time Arrival of 10:28 a.m.
As we can learn from much of the official evidence, none of the 4 NAMED planes crashed at the any of the 4 NAMED targets on 9/11. This was also confirmed by the NTSB Final Report, with no listing of the 4 planes activating an ELT, to show any of the 4 named planes crashed on 9/11.
Please watch my 35 minute presentation below covering the evidence listed above:
Thanks for reading and watching!
I truly cannot wait until this is revealed, hopefully as part of the much needed 100% release of ALL captured data depicting exactly who and why created this coverup, plus how 911 was created to begin the forever war on terror. ALL lies. Crimes against humanity and treason. It time for the rest of those asleep to finally awaken.
I can only surmise the immense amount of time you put into research and displaying the evidence. Everything you say is as clear as the cloudless blue morning sky on September 11. Why cannot people not think to think? Kudos to you, 9/11 Revisionist, and Judy Wood.