This posting is a little off topic, although you will see it does have connections to my subject theme that I mainly write about.
I have been studying Project Blue Beam for many years, and also its relationship to 9/11, and other world events. Below I will connect some dots, which I believe are being "deliberately" untold by the celebrity talking heads in the "alternative" media.
Project Blue Beam is more than just a "staged" alien invasion:
Part of the Blue Beam project was to break down national culture in countries by engineering mass migration of people. Also, it describes the breaking down of the family, which was also a key component in the project, along with engineering the break down in public trust in government. It also outlined the phasing out of cash, (plastic money) for a digital currency, and digital ID. Most notably, it described the engineering of extreme weather events around the world.
Another phase of Blue Beam was to engineer epidemics/pandemics, and the push of vaccinations, and forced vaccinations, and internment camps. Interestingly, the project described engineering a "NEW AGE" religion. I would consider the New Age movement to be part of this.
Additionally, another key component of the project is the re-evaluation of archaeological knowledge, and artificial earthquakes, and new “discoveries”. Propaganda to reshape historical understanding. We are seeing this unfolding now! (Flat Earth?)
The most well know aspect of project blue bean is the use of Three-dimensional optical holograms, with sound, and laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, corresponding to predominant regional religious faiths.
The project sees religion as a way to control people.
The aim of the project, is to bring about a global requirement for the New World Order's dictatorship.
Do you recognise some of the elements above playing out already?
If you recognise any of what I have outlined above, then you are already witnessing the 4 phases of Project Blue Beam. The frog is slowly being boiled in the pot, without fully knowing it is being boiled to death.
So all this hype in the alternative media of "WHEN" Project Blue Beam will begin, people need to re-think as it has already began many years ago.
President Ronald Reagan implanted the very idea of the “alien threat” in his speeches:
Close Encounters at the (23rd) 1984 Olympic Games, Los Angeles
The alien theme was implanted into the global human consciousness at the 1984, closing ceremony of the 23rd Olympic Games, and was announced to "Let the magic begin” (Occult Magick), after the MC instructed the audience to set their flash lights to the colour "BLUE". Was any of that a coincidence? These instructions were very powerful initiation and psychological priming of the sub-conscious mind. It may seem very innocent, but what followed was the playing out of human contact with the UFO above the stadium, and also contact with the appearing alien who in the stadium.
The Final Card of the Project
The final card of the project will be the alien threat, which I think we can all see being ramped up, in both the mainstream and alternative media, and by the military in the USA. Also note, the UK recently set-up a military unit to deal with an “alien threat”, which was circulated in the press. This is to further cause fear along with “psychological priming” of the public, ready for when they announce the ET threat to international security. All this will of course be a perceived threat, and not a real threat, which is engineered from our side of the fence.
What will decide the outcome will be, "IF" the public allow it to frighten them, and obey, and comply with their government orders, to overt the perceived alien threat/invasion.
Dr. Carol Rosin and The Last Card
9/11 was the global trial run, which played out on the world stage, using advanced 3D volumetric image projections of the planes, which fooled the great majority of people. carried out using a trauma based operation. The building were destroyed by turning them to dust using directed energy weaponary.
The final card will look very similar to 9/11, but on a much more larger scale. The same secret technology will be deployed which created the plane illusions and the dustification of the buildings and creation of the plane shaped holes, with world wide coverage, deploying a trauma based operation, with a combined global governmental response. It will be fear driven, to make people get behind the governments around the world, to bring together the people, as one, to enable the defeat the common enemy, (The Aliens), which is an illusory threat, not real, but will have the desired outcome of a one world government to save the world and the people.
Remember, there is nothing to fear, stay calm and observe the show!
Thanks for reading & caring!
I’m totally on board with your analysis. Now if we can just stop our family and friends from panicking and buying into the fakery ….
The whole concept of 'new age' is really quite something! Not for me but it does make me curious about my historical purchases of Yanni's work. Apparently, his music is classed as 'new age'. I don't know if this is to mean that the two are connected in any way. Hopefully not.
I am unclear on your comment about our flat earth. I do not see this as an attempt to distoryor confuse the record but rather as an exposing and revelation tothe world of the enormity of lies within which we were born, raised and made it to this point believing that the earth is a globe when in fact, every civilization before ours knew that we live on a mostly level terrain, it is only this current when the idea of the earth being a globe was proposed by Copernicus in the 1500s, but even he stood by the assertion that his proposal of a globe earth was and is just a theory and nothing more. Add to this that the government knows that we live on a mostly level terrain. There are countless documents from virtually every agency both domestic and international all characterized the earth as being "flat and non-rotating". Just ast week I learned of and downloaded yet another document from the CIA assembled in the 1950s, declassified in 2000-2001 in which Soviet scientists were taking measurements on light passing through what the document calls, 'the firmament' I don't imagine that agencies such as ICAO, WEF, WHO, and many others all use the Gleason map in their logos. They rubit in our faces constantly and laugh. And, I guess I would be remiss nit to mention that in flight training, when planning cross country flights, we never calculate coriolis effect, or spin of the earth. We do calculate wind velocity, however. If you're a person of faith, the Bible is chock full of verses that refer to our flat earth. Kind of them to remove Enoch as that book speaks the most about our flat earth.
Again, I do not see this as distorting history or confusing it. I see this as a worldwide awakening to this truth. It has always been right under our noses but as propogandized and forceded as much BS as what we have been since birth, us it any wonder do few een questioned it? I never did until it was put in front of me.
There will be much more to follow.