Reminder: Appearing on Math Easy Solutions (MES) Livestream on 21st September 2024 - Topic: What About The Passengers?
A Presentation of Evidence: The Passengers on the Planes?
Hi to all my subscribers. Just a reminder in advance, I shall be appearing on Math Easy Solutions (MES) livestream on 21st September 2024 at 9PM UK time, (please check your countries time zone) to discuss one of the most asked questions I get asked. “What about the passengers?”.
Myself and Mat (MES) will be discussing, and looking at evidence I have ascertained over the last 14 years of my research. There will also be new evidence included, which will be part of my power point presentation, which I have been putting together especially for this livestream.
I hope you can join us. This will probably be my last interview/appearance I will be doing for quite a long time. So this is not to be missed!
Thanks to everyone who has subscribed to my Substack blog, and also all the other platforms where I host my research. Your support means a lot to me.
Thanks for reading & caring!
O, this is going to be a hum-dinger....
MES just had a PentaCon whistleblower on - Adam Eisenberg
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3a1z6_SScE
Enjoy your fantastic enlightening research Mark. I will be online then.