The 9/11 Pentagon Phenomena: Evidence of Directed Energy Effects
An Independent Analysis of Evidence
This is a short article to introduce readers to evidence of the use of directed energy weapons deployed on 9/11 at the Pentagon event.
In this short video excerpt below from Chris Hampton's documentary film - 9/11 Alchemy "A Big Idea" 2021, Chris discusses with Mark Conlon of 9/11 Planes Research evidence of field interference effects during the Pentagon event on 9/11, and evidence of on-going field effects years after the event itself around the Pentagon.
Please watch this short video below:
The observations made in the short video above, and in this article, parallels the same phenomena at World Trade Center, which was outlined by Dr. Judy Wood in her book - Where Did The Towers Go?
I would encourage all people to study Dr. Wood’s evidence to fully understand the significance of the evidence I am presenting in relation to the Pentagon event below.
The Pentagon Phenomena
1. There is unusual on-going rusting of the galvanized steel road guard rails around the Pentagon site, which is very unusual, as guard rails are made not to rust. It appears the authorities have had a difficult time controlling the rusting of the guard rails since 2001. Also note, trees have been planted in particular areas, near the rusting guard rails. This was also done at the World Trade Center complex site, along with a water feature, which is also a significant factor at all 3 sites.
Interestingly, the main areas where the most severe rusting occurs is where the “official” flight path of the “alleged” plane path passes, and also, the “unofficial” flight path of the “alleged” plane passed over, which some eyewitnesses say they observed the plane flying.
Is this the main two directions where the directed energy used?
Below, is the unofficial flight path of the plane, where the rusting is severe.
Below is a simulation of the official plane path, showing the area where the rusting guard rail was situated (highlighted in red).
Below, the guard rail was so badly rusted, they removed the road guard rail completely, and have never replaced it. WHY?
Note below in the still image, there was no rusting present along this section of road guard rail on 9/11. The rusting began after 9/11, and was severe, until that section of guard rail was eventually removed for good. See below:
Also note below in the images, how trees have been planted next to the areas of the rusting guard rails. Two trees were later removed?
Below shows where rusting occurs on both sides in line with each other on the highway guard rails. Why in these particular areas does the guard rails rust at the same 3 points opposite each other? Is this where the directed energy weapon was focused from in these directions, which created on-going field effects?
A closer inspection of where the trees have been strategically planted next to the rusting areas on the road guard rails. Why hasn’t these guard rails been replaced, even for aesthetic reasons, being this area is now a tourist place of interest? Are rusting areas being monitored, to see if the trees are helping quench the on-going residual energy?
Further up from the Pentagon, the rusting was on-going, and the removal of the tree?
Note, in the image below, there was a complete removal of the guard rails, along the front of the Pentagon, and also a row of new trees closely planted together along all the way down grass verge.
2. There is also damage to the Pentagon roof which is inconsistent from either a plane crashing into the building or a missile strike.
3. Blooming effects can be observed at the opposite end of the Pentagon building, at the time of the initial explosion. Blooming effects are a side-effect of the lack of containment of the directed energy weapon focus area. Also known as thermal blooming.
4. People who appeared to be severely burnt, however their clothing was unburnt. This again parallels with victims at World Trade Center who suffered the same type of injures, to their body, but their clothes were not burnt. Cotton and polyester materials are highly flammable, and should have been burnt?
The pentagon images reminded me of a documentary entitled: "Star Wars in Iraq". Which featured victims of microwave weapons in the middle east and the victim's injuries look just like the images from the Pentagon. See below:
The bodies at the Pentagon prove microwave energy weapons were used on 9/11, which affected people, but not their clothing.
Further observations for consideration
5. Battery operated and electrical clocks stopped, along with a number of people’s wrist watches. In April Gallop’s case, her wrist watch stopped just after 9:30 a.m. which is 7 minutes before the official crash time at 9: 37 a.m.
Below shows a US Navy Skilcraft Clock. The Skilcraft clock from the US Navy’s Command Center inside the Pentagon was like some of the watches mentioned previously, which were frozen in time.
6. An electrical disturbance was recorded by the seismic stations, between 9:38 a.m., just before 9:39 a.m. The seismologists officially concluded in their report, that the spike in the seismic graph recorded at the Pentagon was caused by an “electrical disturbance”.
7. The Magnetometer readings showed that the Earth’s magnetic field fluctuated between 9:30 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. with a sharp dip, before rising again. This could not have been caused by either a plane crashing or a conventional explosion.
8. There was also toasted cars and fire truck, which had signature damage of use from some type of directed energy weapon.
We the toasted cars at the pentagon are just like the toasted cars at WTC site. See below:
The fire truck below was unable to start. Also, its windscreen was missing later, even though it was intact and undamaged. Also note the circular holes in the side front windows.
Note, the back rubber wheel was not burnt up, considering researchers are claiming the fire was said to have caused the tyres to be a blaze.
The observable evidence shows, excessive rusting of the steel wheel. Note the other 3 steel wheels were not rusted.
9. Eruption of Mysterious Fires
Note, this fire broke-out at the Pentagon 60 hours after the plane crash on 9-11, even though the main “alleged” plane crash impact area of the building had been flooded with 1000s upon 1000s of gallons of water. This evidence also parallels the WTC complex, with the eruption of small fires, and also at the Shanksville crater in Pittsburg. Special thanks to Conspiracy Cuber for sending me this footage during the making of the (2018) 9/11 Alchemy “Facing Reality” documentary film.
10. Decontamination Process
To be fair and balanced regarding this photo, and pointed out by Ruby Gray or Lorraine Clarke, this is common practice when workers and crews are potentially working in possible toxic conditions, so it is hard to say that it would be directly as a result and related to the effects of directed energy weapon being used at the Pentagon, but based on the all the observable evidence put forth in this article, it could be possible.
11. The shipping in of gravel and some type of topping material. This area was where the water feature was constructed, which helps to quench the energy effects that are still on-going at the site. Some researchers suggest this was done because the ground was water logged, and heavily equipment cannot stand in a water logged area, however we all remember the FBI walking around in a line, collecting alleged plane debris, however they were not walking in a water logged lawn? None of their trousers, looked to be soaked and consistent with walking through a water logged lawn. Some water is observed near the building naturally, but no where near enough for the whole area to be water logged. See below:
Again, this process was carried out at the WTC complex, where soil was shipped into the complex and then taken away, to enable the quenching of the residual effects left behind after the use of the directed energy weapon. Note, there was no mud or water logged ground/grass (as some researchers have claimed), where they were laying down the gravel and topping material.
The Zinc Connection: The road guard rails, battery operated clocks and wrist watches
I propose in the short video clip, that the Zinc element was affected in the road guard rails causing the unusual on-going rusting. Zinc is added to prevent rusting. This is evidence of transmutation, most like caused by a directed energy weapon, which was used at the Pentagon event.
Also, Alkaline batteries have zinc in them, which if affected could have rendered the batteries in the clocks and wrist watches to stop working. Essentially, zinc is the common factor that could have affected both the batteries in the clocks, watches, along with the galvanized road guard rails.
To conclude, I would encourage all those who are interested to watch 9/11 Alchemy “Facing Reality” 9/11 documentary film (2018). See below:
Finally, thanks for watching, reading & caring!
Thank you for the new (to me) information that shows that some type of directed energy was used. I never really believed that the Pentagon was hit by a plane unlike my first impression of the towers. I questioned those, too, after getting over the initial shock, because what we were told didn’t agree with what we were seeing. This will be a true shock for many, as there are those who would never believe our own government could do this.
Not to rain on your parade . . . .(but . . . )
fact is that using basic applied physics, one can KNOW that "FLT77" would have been IMPOSSIBLE to do what was allegedly done, mowing down 5 light poles, striking a generator, & then penetrating a wall to totally disappear inside the building, NOT HAPPENING - - - total violation(s) of the laws of physics . . .