Building No 7 seems to me as an anomaly to the whole scene.....

Has it line of sight for a fixed projector or weapon, or other buildings around.

Most angles shot by the public (non controlled photos), would be from ground level, giving only limited public sight of the quality of projection .

Did anyone hear the jets/(air compressors 😂) or was it perceived sound....

Buildings in similar height from multiple positions could achieve this "mirage". Using only a relatively 2D image.

The office where the "planes" hit, may have been set up with a holographic tracking beacon or projector!, it was rented out to FX people , if I remember.....

The fall of the towers was long after the holographic show. A different stage of ops.

Destroy the evidence, projectors and possible microwave weapons on B7 and others,once the job is done after the two towers devices have been activated and fallen.

Had to be staggered to avoid interference.

Then, building 7, HQ? Pull it!

Last one to fall....

Great investigative journalism.

Cheers .

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The actual anomalous building at the WTC is The Banker's Trust building.

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-anomalous-bankers-trust-building

More on the 9/11 Building 7 HOAX: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-building-7-hoax-video-of-2011

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Hey, see this about orbs (drones?) around the plane images, might give you some hints about sounds, projectors, etc.


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Yes, these pictures are which I highlighted the orbs in. I definitely believe there's more to it with those orbs and the projection technology. We mention the orbs in the 9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality" film.

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Aug 13
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Richard Grove explains this in detail: an audit team investigating the 2+ trillion $ gap in the pentagram budget as announced by Rumsfeld on 9-10 was located in building 7. ( the other audit team was located at ground zero of the impact site at the pentagram) and there was suspicious HFT going on just minutes prior to impact from/through Bldg 7. (Check out the Grand Theft World podcast)

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Planes on 9/11: Facing Reality

No More Games, time to face the cold hard facts

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/my-last-911-plane-article-promise

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Thanks for putting this up. Very helpful. I have read about “ Blue Beam” but didn’t have information about the Navy program. I am interested in learning about sequestered technology like you are describing, as background for the second novel in the “Mayday Trilogy”. The working title is “The Rise of the Remnant Republic”. I hope to have the draft ready for publication in the spring. The genre is historic fiction where I am using the narrative to correct the false narrative given to the world by the CIA Mocking Birds who live work a play in midtown Manhattan. The story arc covers 90 years of the protagonists life from his birth in 1947 to his death in 2037. “The Flight of the Mayday Squadron” is book 1 and is available on Amazon. The working title of book 3 is “The return of the Mayday Squadron” and there is no date for completion as yet. This info will be very helpful in speeding background research. CHEERS!

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I'd like to know if there is any evidence of practise runs with this technology using hologram planes hitting buildings and collapsing. Possibly in an "antiterrorist" attack in the Middle East for example? They would need to have practised and dress rehearsed this on a large scale before rolling it out for the false flag event.

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You need to watch the documentary 9/11 Planes research helped with, as the examples, patents and more are discussed in it....

Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality

Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CrzNeZUp0tU

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Those documents are very important to understand the feasibility of project Blue Beam. The key question is mirror:

a) HAARP/Satellites/Radars/5G to heat or charge a layer of the atmosphere?

b) Re-directing all the huge mirrors from the Starlink and other satellite fleets, coordinated to get enough resolution?

c) Balloons? They could be spotted because of low altitude.

WARNING: Aliens, the next psy-op?


Changing the climate through satellites and huge radar weather stations:



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They are trying to break Richard Hall financially through law fare at the moment over his factual observations of the Manchester bombing false flag. Just like the Alex Jones saga.

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A good examination and it was Hall and Lear that led Me to give highest probability We saw holograms that day.

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The "blue logo" plane theory as photographed and reported


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Run away and go play with your buddies, Richard Gage, Craig McKee and the rest of the charlatans that tout explosives, thermite or nukes...

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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Daniel, you're also lovingly mentioned in this clip.

Link: https://rumble.com/v5a1ggd-the-911-plane-pod-theory-disinformation.html

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Hey, Mr disinfo - Please to show us the circular logo in the Hezarkhani, Park Foreman, Jennifer Spell, or even the Luc Courchesne video....

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" these anomalies "

this were seen and witnessed and reported.

I am doing "blue logo" plane theory as photographed and rreported


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Daniel, you're also lovingly mentioned in this clip.

Link: https://rumble.com/v5a1ggd-the-911-plane-pod-theory-disinformation.html

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Hey, Mr disinfo - Please to show us the circular logo in the Hezarkhani, Park Foreman, Jennifer Spell, or even the Luc Courchesne video....

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Assuming your interaction with Marc Birnbach is real, he just saw a greyish plane-like object from 2 miles away. https://youtu.be/FNT7UHYPMwo

Note that according to Popular Mechanics, he told them he never saw the actual impact but only heard the explosion, and he was more than 2 miles away: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a5654/debunking-911-myths-planes/

Note also that all eye witness accounts must be taken into account, such as this person saying it was a rocket flying into the building: https://youtu.be/L1O8oaW44VE

Lastly, no video shows a blue logo (although he may still have seen what resembles it) and no video shows any clear image of an actual Boeing (or Cargo plane), rather just blurry dark silhouettes with disappearing wings and fins (which point to image projection technology): https://t.me/meslinks/25686?single

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Run away and go play with your buddies, Richard Gage, Craig McKee and the rest of the charlatans that tout explosives, thermite or nukes...

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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are there other examples of the holographic imagery?

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Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality

Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

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Im very sorry but a hologram/3d projection was not used for the twin tower plane attacks... my grandfather was a witness at the scene, he both heard and saw the first and second planes slam into the buildings and explode. I view this as unfortunately one of the less serious and realistic "truther" theories...

Thinking with a perfectly clear and reasonable mind, these types of "holograms" wouldnt be possible to be recorded and seen from EVERY angle of NYC, especially in broad day/sunlight. The planes that hit the north and south tower were real, heavy, and fast pieces of metal that sliced into the buildings like a knife. I believe the kinetic energy of the planes was so massive that they just smoothly sliced into the building without interference, just as a cannonball would smash through a wall without any interference.

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I am sorry, but a Boeing 767 aircraft cannot fly at below 1000ft at 586mph. Boeing are on record in a phone call to Jeff Hill admitting this. Plus, there was no way that the named planes were involved either, as I have proven over the last 12 years, the telemetry data shows AA11 was still airborne and heading to Washington, and UA175 was over Harrisburg, after the crash according ACARS data. AA77 was also still airborne according to the DCC radar returns showing AA77 over Missouri, which were released under FOIA request. Plus, UA93, I as I have proven was over Champaign IL, after the crash and still airborne, and landed at Reagan National Airport at 10:28am.

Regarding the 3D volumetric technology, it is possible to not only project a plane into thin air, but also objects like a large ship according to the US Navy patent, which was published in 2018. The technology program was openly started in early 1991 and became secret in 1994, and continued under a secret military program. Plus, the same technology has the capability to create and broadcast sound using the same plasma technology. Please do some more research into this technology, I have spent the best part of the last 7 years looking into it. The technology was planned to be used as a decoy psychological operational technology, used to fool (the enemy). They can also have image projection technology which creates false directionally of light, which makes the image projection of the desired object look even more convincing to the eye.

Note you say you believe a plane can do the damage, please provide me evidence of this? Show me Newtonian physics of the plane collision. And also, for your information, the projection was not picked up from all angles perfectly, some videos had missing wings and tail sections, and even many eyewitnesses said they seen a small plane, which is what I have shown in the Naudet 2nd plane video, where the plane looks like a small object, not a large Boeing aircraft. Please see ALL my research on this, where I show all the inconsistencies with the plane wings and crash physics.

Also, the Earth's magnetic field fluctuated 4 times at every plane crash event. Plane crashes do not make the Earth's magnetic field do that. Plus, the seismic recordings do not match up to a plane crashing into the WTC buildings, nor the Pentagon, or a crash in the ground in Shanksville, PA.

A request: Could you link to your own research to prove me wrong?

Finally, have you studied ALL my research I have published into the plane crashes subject?


Mark Conlon

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It’s amazing to me and all the world that your research and comments have such low visibility here. I am sitting in my front lounge room like Alice down the Rabbit hole reading great information that barely sees the light of day.

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Hi Gareth,

Many thanks for taking an interest in my research. I have been shadow banned on the internet since I did my interview on Richard D. Hall's show in Sept 2017. I am doing a book to pull all the information and research together, and present what really happened with the planes on 9/11.

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Keep up the struggle Mark you’re doing God’s work. Certainly a very isolating experience when you talk about esoteric matters. Do you have a link to that conversation still?

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So your evidence that they were real is your grandpa saying he saw planes hit the buildings? How do you know he's not lying? And how do you know their holographic technology couldn't simulate the sounds and sights that he described? The fact there's documentation for something like this certainly proves it's not "less serious and realistic", no matter how outlandish it may sound. Also, as Mark adequately explained, there WERE discrepancies picked up on films and pictures of the WTC attacks, specifically that of the second strike.

Also, even at high speeds, I still doubt that an entire plane can slice through a building without breaking and leaving behind some of its parts in the process, such as the tips of its wings and tail. I don't see any of that with the footage of the first two plane crashes on 9/11. And if that did happen, it's not clearly noticeable from the visual evidence available.

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I will give you that your grandfather was in the area when the so called attack occurred, but to say that no witness was influenced by the 24 hour around the clock coverage on not just news channels but other channels that preempted their programming for 911 programming...... I mean there is a reason it is called TELL A VISION and everyone was glued to it, their minds were filled with the VISIONS

Now as far as I can tell from the 'pictures' shown on the TELL A VISION the planes did not slam into the building they went through like a hot knife through butter, spewing zero wreckage........Really it is quite simple a perfectly clear and reasonable mind knows Aluminum cannot go through Steel...

"I believe the kinetic energy of the planes was so massive that they just smoothly sliced into the building without interference, just as a cannonball would smash through a wall without any interference."

First of to believe means you do not know, for if you knew you would not use the word believe, thus it is clear you simply do not know, and that is OK because that can be solved by doing research, investigation, questioning every aspect...etc.... putting as much information in your mind be it pro, con, neutral, indifferent and conclude yourself what is most likely true or not.

What you should have witnessed is the jet airliner actually slamming into the building, decreased velocity would have slung the aluminum wings forward, they would have snapped off and smashed against the building and fell a thousand feet below, the tail piece like in most fatal jet airliner accidents would have broken off never going into the building crashing down below just like the wings. The fuselage may have become lodge into the building, it may have crashed to the ground but to have an aluminum tube go all the way through the concrete, the steel with no resistance is not possible.

A cannonball hitting going though a wall is not the same as aluminum slicing though steel which is impossible.

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Aug 13
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Shanksville and the PentaCon also had no plane.

If you haven't yet watched 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality, I suggest you watch it this weekend.

Mark was heavily involved with the project.

Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

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