I remember Ms. Olson and her husband Ted, who recently passed away. Strange how my regard for them has changed over the years with my regard for President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Rather than Bush/Cheney/America being sucker punched by Muslim Holy Warriors, I now believe America was betrayed by the Bush/Cheney Administration and their use of False Flag terror tactics to justify imposition of the draconian “Patriot Act”, the creation of the DHS and pursuit of the perpetual no-win “War ”. Thanks for putting this up. Merry Christmas!
Hey Mark! I’m 73 now and turned 50 in 2001. I was a corporate architect in Dallas and had just broken through to my dream job. We were all Bushies then and knew Dick Cheney bc he was CEO of Halliburton so we thought they were our political dream team. The timing of the 9/11 recession destroyed my career and put me on a different path, outside of the main stream. When your livelihood comes from a source that tells you something is true your normalcy bias arranges information in your personal mind-stack that allows you to continue accepting the money by ignoring anything that disagrees with the plain facts of the situation. I started looking critically at 9/11 and Bush/Cheney after a few years of independent practice. They lied to the world about the attacks and 23 years later, the story has unraveled so much that you see Dick Cheneys daughter sending innocent Americans to prison for petitioning their government on J6 and then both supporting a brain dead Marxist for president against the will of the American People. I view your work and 9/11 Revisionist as the sunlight that may show the country back to salvage the constitutional republic. I pray that we can do this with the ballot and not the bullet. That is my prayer but it’s not up to little people like me. ATB
It is always up to us all. Like being a called up militia from Concord to Boston, farmstead to farmstead, stone wall to stone wall in April 1775.
The new forces of the King Chuckles the Turd's Commonwealth and globalists that defend eugenics elites and corporatism over We the People should they stand?
The more I read, the clearer the picture becomes. I just discovered the “Congress of Vienna” 1814 that decided.how the wealth confiscated by the mob during the French Revolution would be redistributed to the noble houses of Europe and then established Switzerland as the neutral global banking hub with the Bank of International Settlements being the central clearing house for sovereign debt and repayments. The things we don’t know…
My brother's audit documents of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft United Technogies, that showed they had overcharged the public millions of dollars in jet aviation fuel charges, were fully destroyed at the Pentagon that day. No follow up audit was ever done.
Thanks for the case files Mark. Appreciate your time & effort. B Olson does have very long hair in the news interview. If it is her in security video hair must be tied back in a bob? Also didn't realise she was enemy of the Clinton's. Another convenient Clinton body count? Ron Brown 737 crash also seems very suspicious in Croatia.
I remember Ms. Olson and her husband Ted, who recently passed away. Strange how my regard for them has changed over the years with my regard for President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Rather than Bush/Cheney/America being sucker punched by Muslim Holy Warriors, I now believe America was betrayed by the Bush/Cheney Administration and their use of False Flag terror tactics to justify imposition of the draconian “Patriot Act”, the creation of the DHS and pursuit of the perpetual no-win “War ”. Thanks for putting this up. Merry Christmas!
Hi Steve,
Many thanks for your personal reflection, and the change of perspective for you.
Merry Christmas to you too.
Hey Mark! I’m 73 now and turned 50 in 2001. I was a corporate architect in Dallas and had just broken through to my dream job. We were all Bushies then and knew Dick Cheney bc he was CEO of Halliburton so we thought they were our political dream team. The timing of the 9/11 recession destroyed my career and put me on a different path, outside of the main stream. When your livelihood comes from a source that tells you something is true your normalcy bias arranges information in your personal mind-stack that allows you to continue accepting the money by ignoring anything that disagrees with the plain facts of the situation. I started looking critically at 9/11 and Bush/Cheney after a few years of independent practice. They lied to the world about the attacks and 23 years later, the story has unraveled so much that you see Dick Cheneys daughter sending innocent Americans to prison for petitioning their government on J6 and then both supporting a brain dead Marxist for president against the will of the American People. I view your work and 9/11 Revisionist as the sunlight that may show the country back to salvage the constitutional republic. I pray that we can do this with the ballot and not the bullet. That is my prayer but it’s not up to little people like me. ATB
It is always up to us all. Like being a called up militia from Concord to Boston, farmstead to farmstead, stone wall to stone wall in April 1775.
The new forces of the King Chuckles the Turd's Commonwealth and globalists that defend eugenics elites and corporatism over We the People should they stand?
The more I read, the clearer the picture becomes. I just discovered the “Congress of Vienna” 1814 that decided.how the wealth confiscated by the mob during the French Revolution would be redistributed to the noble houses of Europe and then established Switzerland as the neutral global banking hub with the Bank of International Settlements being the central clearing house for sovereign debt and repayments. The things we don’t know…
Thank you for all of your continued hard work on this.
I doubt that we will ever fully know the truth, as the government is surely neck deep in this evil act.
Yes, it is very difficult trying to get to truth. Such an evil act as you say what they did.
My brother's audit documents of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft United Technogies, that showed they had overcharged the public millions of dollars in jet aviation fuel charges, were fully destroyed at the Pentagon that day. No follow up audit was ever done.
Hi Stephen,
Wow, many thanks for sharing your family member history regarding the Pentagon event. Very interesting infop!
Thanks for the case files Mark. Appreciate your time & effort. B Olson does have very long hair in the news interview. If it is her in security video hair must be tied back in a bob? Also didn't realise she was enemy of the Clinton's. Another convenient Clinton body count? Ron Brown 737 crash also seems very suspicious in Croatia.