Case File Seven: Passengers of American 77 Captured at Dulles Airport on 9/11
Case File: Seven
Following on from Case File Six in this series of Case File articles, documenting all the available visual evidence that I have managed to ascertain with my investigation into the passengers of the planes on 9/11.
In this Case File, I continue with further evidence I have obtained 4 years go, showing photographs of passengers of American 77 captured at Dulles Airport on 9/11.
The photographs below were taken by Gwen Faulkner, which show some school children and their teachers along with two National Geographic representatives. The school children in the photographs won a National Geographic competition and were on a trip organized by National Geographic as the prize. This photograph was also shown in the Pentagon documentary, however I managed to track down a better quality version of the photograph.
Exhibit 1:
Photo Source:
Photograph Identification From Left to Right:
James D. Debeuneure
Rodney Dickens
Bernard C. Brown II
Hilda E. Taylor
Asia S. Cottom
Sara M. Clark
J. Joseph Ferguson
Ann C. Judge
In another photograph taken by the same lady, it shows the teachers, school children and four other passengers at boarding Gate D26, Dulles Airport on 9/11, “allegedly” boarding American 77. See below:
Exhibit 2:
Photograph Taken By: Gwen Faulkner
To make sure the passengers were at Gate D26, I did some analysis of the Dulles Airport gate area at D26. See below:
Below, I have identified who the four other passengers are in the photograph, see below:
A full list below of all the passengers in the photograph:
A: Dora Marie Menchaca –
B: Dong Chul Lee –
C: Sara M. Clark –
D: Robert Penninger –
E: James D. Debeuneure –
F: Asia S. Cottom –
G: Karen Ann Kincaid –
H: Rodney Dickens –
It doesn’t end there though, another photograph was taken of “alleged” American 'Flight 77' at D26 Departure Gate, Dulles Airport on 9/11, taken by Gwen Faulkner, which she released publicly in 2019. See below:
Exhibit 3:
Although the photograph shows the American Airlines Boeing 757 at D26 Gate departure area, I cannot confirm the official tail number as it is not visible.
If you are familiar with my research, I have documented issues with the departure of American 77. I have confirmed through detailed analysis that this photograph is indeed of a plane at D26 Gate departure area.
If you are interested in my analysis of what really happened to American 77, please read this article below:
I will be concluding this series of Case Files with a possible identification on the CCTV footage of Barbara Olson at Dulles Airport on 9/11.
In closing, if you get value from my research, please consider subscribing or following me, as all my articles and research is free to read, and I do not profit from any of my research and writing.
Thanks for reading and caring!
Dr Morgan Reynolds 2007 Qui-Tam whistleblower case against NIST
Affidavit by John Lear - a Retired airline captain and former CIA pilot with 17 world records, including Speed Around the World in a Lear Jet Model 24 set in 1966.
He flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983 and for 17 years of his career he worked for several passenger and cargo airlines as Captain, Check Airman and Instructor.
He was certificated by the FAA as a North Atlantic (MNPS) Check Airman.
He also had extensive experience as command pilot and instructor in the Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8 and Lockheed L-1011.
In short - He knows WTF he's talking about.
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