As the world watched, when the 9/11 attacks unfolded after Amercian 11 crashed into the North World Trade Center, and minutes later at 9:03 a.m. United 175 flew into the South World Trade Center, stunning the people in New York, and millions of people watching on their TV sets. Later as videos of the 2nd plane crashing into the building surfaced, captured by videographers in the street, it was not until a few years later, that all did not seem as it should be.
Strange anomalies with United 175, the 2nd plane were captured in the videos, such as, disappearing wings, impossible plane speed for Boeing 767, no collision on impact with the building, and the explosion happening after the plane had already entered the building with no visible plane debris falling to the ground.
Luc Courchesne video captures the wings and tail section disappearing:
The Naudet 2nd plane video also captures disappearing wing and tail section:
[Video loop above courtesy of Mathiew Estepho of Math Easy Solutions (MES)]
The photograph below captures the violation of Newton’s third law of physics, with the plane showing no collision between the plane and building.
Jet fuel stored in the wings should have exploded as the plane impacted the building, but this didn’t happen? The plane just disappeared into the building, with a delayed explosion, which should not have happened when the jet fuel in the wings contacted the building. See below:
The anomalies have always been explained and promoted as evidence of video fakery, CGI and the planes having been inserted by compositing them into the video footage. This idea in itself creates several issues. For example, it does not explain how so many eyewitnesses observed the plane in the sky, and also how so many videographers captured the plane on their video cameras. If there was no plane in the sky, how did people track a non-existent plane with their video cameras and cameras?
It has been suggested that all the videographers were part of a conspiracy or hoax, however this still does not explain how so many people saw and observed the plane. What were the eyewitnesses observing in the sky and capturing on their video cameras, which defied laws of physics and the strange anomalies, such as the missing wings and tail section, captured from multiple angles. Some researchers have tried to explain that the anomalies were due to compression and substandard video cameras, however the Naudet video camera was a professional quality video camera, and was taken quite close to the building. See video still image Below:
This does not resemble a Boeing 767.
Is this why so many people described a small plane, or even some eyewitness reports of seeing a “rocket” hit the towers. See below:
[Video courtesy of Mathiew Estepho of Math Easy Solutions (MES)]
What were we seeing captured in the videos? Was we observing some type of advanced military stealth technology, such as 3D volumetric optical image projection? What ever hit the South Tower does not look real, and did not behave like a commercial Boeing 767 airplane, travelling at an impossible speed of 586 mph, which is impossible for a Boeing 767. Many deny this, however Boeing are inadvertently on record supporting this to be the case.
Jeff Hill called Lesley Hazzard at Boeing regarding the speed of a Boeing 767 airplane travelling at 700 feet. Listen below:
Jeff Hill also called Lori Bechtold of Boeing - 19th Sept 2007. Listen below:
What can satisfy all the criteria of what was captured in the video footage of missing wings, tail section, impossible plane speed, no collision between the plane and the South Tower and witnessed by people in NY?
A plausible hypothesis which satisfies all the criteria is 3D volumetric image projection. Whether this was achieved via some type of decoy cloaking image projection around a missile type delivery system vehicle, which delivered the illusion of the plane, or whether the 3D volumetric image of the airplane was projected into a selected area from another air vehicle type drone, could be what we were observing. This hypothesis provides the answers to the anomalies that were captured in the video evidence.
[Image created by Richard D. Hall]
Richard D. Hall spoke about his Flight 175 Radar Analysis. This video below gives a summary about why Richard’s project was undertaken, and what it revealed.
Richard's hypothesis isn't without its issues, as he explained, because the military radar data showed coordinates 1500 feet to the side of the civilian radar flight path coordinates, which could’ve been the result of a fixed offset error. In his October 2016 Flight 175 Radar Analysis update, Richard hypothesised that it could've been a Tomahawk missile, which was cloaking a 3D image of a airplane around itself. This hypothesis seems more plausible, and goes someway to provide an explanation to all the anomalies captured in the videos. MI5 officer David Shayler also put forward this hypothesis in 2006.
Watch Richard D. Hall’s Short Talk About 9/11 Video Evidence & UA175 (5th March 2014) See below:
The Military & Holographic Technology:
Dating back in the early 1990s, there was a desire by the US military to develop such optical holograms as non lethal weapons to be used in PSYOPs against enemies, by using holograms as decoys. Below, I use a number of excerpts from a selection of articles which reported on the type of technology which the military spoke about in the 1990s. See below:
In a DEFENSE WEEK article published 31st March, 1997, states;
“in late 1991, the Army's JFK Special Warfare Center and School disclosed that it was looking to develop a PSYOPS Hologram System with a capability to project persuasive messages and three-dimensional pictures of cloud, smoke, rain droplets, buildings even religious images or figures. The use of holograms as a persuasive message will have worldwide application."
The article also states, “Holographic Projection”, describes a quasi-information warfare/psychological operations program that was first discussed in the Air Force after Desert Storm. Holographic projection involves projection of a three-dimensional holographic image to project decoys, or even an "angry god" (religious imagery) above the battlefield. Source: DEFENSE WEEK 31st March, 1997.
In 1999, Timothy L Thomas, the retired US army lieutenant colonel, wrote a book about Psy War, where he specifically drew on holograms as part of the war of deception.
Holograms are also being considered for their value in propaganda productions, such as morphing images of political leaders. Soldiers require training to recognize misleading information produced from holograms, voice synthesis or other psychological tricks.
Soon both sides will have the ability to use holograms and other IT manifestations that will offer the opportunity to completely fool one another.
Timothy L Thomas (USA Ret.) analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office, Information Technology: US/Russian Perspectives and Potential for Military-Political Cooperation, Macmillan, 1999
Holographic Technology and the Military:
The Washington Post published an article which describes a secret program that was established in 1994 to pursue technology of a "holographic projector" for deception purposes. The article certainly gives us a glimpse into the thinking in the military circles for weaponry of a different kind. See below:
Another article published in February 2000, also discussed projecting a hologram over Iraq. See below:
John Lear also spoke of about the Airborne Holographic Projector, which has been talked about in various manuals and articles. See below:
A Navy Patent was released in 2018. Aircraft “Ghost Image” 3D Volumetric Projection, for Counter-Measures Defence System.
In the Navy 2018 patent, it describes the capabilities of being able to project a 3D volumetric “ghost images” of an aircraft into space (thin air).
Below is an excerpt from Chris Hampton's 2021 documentary film called - 9/11 Alchemy "A Big Idea". Chris discusses with Richard D. Hall, his "Flight 175" - 3D Radar Analysis, and other the issues regarding what is captured in the video evidence, such as the impossible speed of the airplane and also the crash physics. Chris also looks at some of the contractors involved on 9/11, and their involvement with advanced technologies, such as directed energy and 3D volumetric illusions.
Chris goes on to discuss with Mark Conlon new findings involving the 2018 US Navy patent describing advanced 3D volumetric “ghost imaging” missile defence counter-measure system, which projects multiple aircrafts as decoys into space/air to counter missile attacks. He also discusses possible involvement of the illusion technology to explain the anomalies of the airplanes on 9/11. Chris explores with Mark Conlon the future implications for such illusion technology being used in a possible 'Project Blue Beam' staged alien invasion scenario, along with the Pentagon and media's notable change in attitude towards the UFO subject and sightings in recent years, and possible psychological priming of the public for such a Blue Beam event in the coming years. See video below:
Closing Thoughts:
I believe this is a valid area for further in depth research, which could go some way to explaining all the anomalies captured in the Flight 175 airplane crash videos.
What we can determine is, video fakery cannot explain all the anomalies alone sufficiently which I have outlined above in this article. In some cases it appears to me that the video fakery and CGI theory has been used as a distraction, or some type of psychological operation, by the likes of Simon (Hytten) Shack, Killtown, Ace Baker, OBS, BS Registration, Nico Haupt and Peggy Carter, to lead people away from discovering about the 3D volumetric image projection technology.
Also, video fakery cannot account for how hundreds, if not thousands of people observed the airplane in the sky, and crashing into the South Tower. Plus, how did the perps have complete control over all the videos and photographs in the NY area without the possibility of at least one or two videos/photographs slipping through the net showing no-plane hitting the South Tower at all? This has never been fully explained by Simon Shack, Killtown or Ace Baker when promoting the video fakery theory.
3D volumetric image projection technology, would not need to have complete control over any of the eyewitnesses, photographers or videographers, which would limit the people involved in the operation. By carrying it out this way using 3D volumetric image projection technology it can explain the lack of plane crash physics and impossible plane speed. The 3D volumetric image projection hypothesis explains all the anomalies far better than does the video fakery or CGI theory can.
Finally, the question I am left with is, was the video fakery theory deliberately circulated to explain the anomalies captured in the videos of the planes, but was to also to act as a cover to story to help keep the 3D volumetric image projection technology a secret, because the powers-that-be intend to use the technology again in a Project Blue Beam style operation in the future? Was the planes on 9/11 a trial run to see if the people could tell the airplanes were not real? All legitimate questions to ask!
Please watch - 9/11 Alchemy “Facing Reality” Documentary film which covers the planes and technology in more detail. See below:
Thank you for reading and caring!
Excellent piece - Thank you for this neatly laid out explanation which should wake up any person who is capable of critical thought and to challenge the beliefs they cling on to....
There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;
1. Problem solving skills
2. Group Think
3. They just can't handle the implications
Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11
Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
9/11, among other things, seems like a practice run for Project Bluebeam.