I shall be writing an extensive article in great depth covering all the discrepancies with passenger phone calls, and official telemetry evidence data. I am well aware of all the flaws in the official narrative about the calls. This article is a short introduction to highlight a couple of the discrepancies with the official phone records, and is by no means an in depth analysis study. This is only a beginners introduction piece, if you will.
The above list is an excerpt of a 9/11 Commission paper on the GTE airfone calls.
Airfone is a terrestric system. The calling passenger is connected to the recipient via a net of ground stations (RBS = Radio Base Station) scattered over the country. They connect the caller with the dialed number via landline. If the plane moves from one RBS area to the next, a handoff takes place, similar to cell calls. So in general, the position of a plane can be determined by the RBS with a decent uncertainty, just like VHF ACARS messages. Because the net of RBS is more wide-meshed than the net of ARINC RGS, the uncertainty is even bigger. Nevertheless, the list delivers valuable position information.
For each call, the list denotes (among other things)
- the name of the caller,
- the seat where the call was placed from
- the begin of the call
- the duration of the connecting process
- the duration of the actual call
- the RBS at the begin of the call
- the RBS at the end of the call
- the number of handoffs during the call
The meaning of the columns (first row) is explained here:
For instance the last column - SCP duration, "Switch Control Processor" - indicates the time (in seconds) the call was connected to the dialed number. For United 93, only four RBS were involved, and each of them has an ID number: Columbus (59 - "Colombus" with a typo), Fort Wayne (26), Belleville near Detroit (91) and Coraopolis near Pittsburgh (65).
The list makes it possible to determine the time and RBS when the call was commenced as well as the time and RBS when it was disconnected.
Caller Seat Begin of Call End of Call # Handoffs
Time RBS Time RBS
Thomas Burnett 24ABC 9:30:32 Fort Wayne 9:31:19 Columbus *
Flight Attendant 34ABC 9:32:39 Fort Wayne 9:34:17 Fort Wayne
Flight Attendant 34ABC 9:31:14 Columbus 9:31:34 Columbus
Flight Attendant 33DEF 9:35:40 Detroit 9:41:45 Fort Wayne *
Flight Attendant 34ABC 9:35:48 Detroit 9:37:32 Detroit
Flight Attendant 33ABC 9:35:58 Detroit 9:37:42 Detroit
Mark Bingham 25DEF 9:36:10 Detroit 9:36:51 Detroit
Mark Bingham 25DEF 9:37:03 Detroit 9:40:05 Fort Wayne *
Jeremy Glick 27DEF 9:37:41 Detroit 11:44:00 Pittsburgh ********
Thomas Burnett 25ABC 9:37:53 Detroit 9:39:19 Detroit
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:39:21 Detroit 9:40:21 Detroit
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:40:42 Detroit 9:41:04 Detroit
Mark Bingham 25DEF 9:41:20 Detroit 9:41:36 Detroit
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:41:34 Columbus 9:41:52 Columbus
Mark Bingham 25DEF 9:41:53 Detroit 9:42:29 Detroit
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:42:03 Columbus 9:42:19 Columbus
Joseph de Luca 26DEF 9:42:13 Columbus 9:42:47 Columbus
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:42:25 Columbus 9:42:41 Columbus
Todd Beamer 32DEF 9:42:44 Detroit 9:42:48 Detroit
Todd Beamer 32DEF 9:42:44 Detroit 9:43:29 Detroit
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:42:45 Columbus 9:43:02 Columbus
Joseph de Luca 26DEF 9:43:03 Columbus 9:45:28 Columbus
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:43:24 Columbus 9:43:31 Columbus
Lauren Grandcolas 23DEF 9:43:44 Columbus 9:44:16 Columbus
Todd Beamer 32DEF 9:43:46 Detroit 9:43:49 Detroit
Todd Beamer 32DEF 9:43:48 Detroit 10:50:20 Detroit ******
Thomas Burnett 25ABC 9:44:23 Columbus 9:45:37 Columbus
Waleska Martinez 34ABC 9:45:37 Columbus 9:47:55 Columbus
Linda Gronlund 26DEF 9:46:05 Columbus 9:47:44 Columbus
Ceecee Lyles 32ABC 9:47:57 Columbus 9:49:28 Columbus
Joseph de Luca 26DEF 9:48:48 Columbus 9:48:57 Columbus
Marion Britton 33ABC 9:49:12 Columbus 9:53:01 Pittsburgh ***
Sandra Bradshaw 33DEF 9:49:30 Columbus 9:49:45 Columbus
Sandra Bradshaw 33DEF 9:50:04 Columbus 9:58:27 Pittsburgh ***
Honor Wainio 33ABC 9:53:43 Pittsburgh 9:58:23 Pittsburgh
Here is a map of all RBS in 2006
It is unclear whether all of these RBS were operative in 2001. The Cleveland RBS was not operative in 1991. This might explain why Cleveland doesn't appear on the airfone call list?
From my analysis, the list is very suspicious, because it is on record that Thomas Burnett’s calls to his wife Deena Burnett were made from his cell phone, and not the airfone. The same can be said for CeeCee Lyles’ calls, which were also made from her cell phone to her husband Lorne Lyles, who found it strange that Cee Cee’s call was made from her cell phone and not the airfone. See video below:
The other interesting element is Thomas Burnett’s alleged airfone call was routed through the RBS over in Fort Wayne. Interestingly, according to the official Aircraft Communications Addressing Radio System (ACARS) data, UA93 was flying over this area, and continued to fly near Champaign IL, at 10:10 a.m., indicating that UA93 was still airborne after the alleged crash at 10:03 a.m. See below a map showing UA93’s last ACARS message received at 10:10 a.m. compared to where UA93 allegedly crashed.
Also, further support for this came from Col Marr’s account that UA93 was circling over Chicago. Source: http://media.nara.gov/9-11/MFR/t-0148-911MFR-00762.pdf
It states: "Marr told Commission staff that his focus was on UAL 93, which was circling over Chicago. Marr thought UAL 93 was waiting for word over what had been happening across the country to begin its attack." Note: Marr is not "connected" to ACARS, but speaks from radar data someone told him.
Finally, CNBC reported information from WPIX at 11:10 a.m. that “the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, originated in Chicago, and it was heading to Cleveland and there was 90 people onboard?
Does the CNBC news report corroborate further support for Col Marr’s account regarding UA 93 “circling over” Chicago?
The question still remains, where were the cell phone calls being made from? Why were Thomas Burnett’s and Cee Cee Lyles’ cell phone calls listed as airfone calls? I shall be writing a detailed analysis of the phone calls, so please keep an eye out, and stay tuned to my Substack.
Thanks for reading and caring!
Thank you
Another discrepancy that exists with the 9/11 plane phone calls are the details reported by the callers.
For instance, Barbara Olson (AA77), Peter Hansen (UA175), and Tom Burnett (UA93) reportedly claimed to have seen or heard guns being used along with knives or boxcutters in some versions of their phone calls, which contradicts convention that only boxcutters and knives were used to harm or threaten them.
Then comes the fact that many of those who allegedly made phone calls from the flour hijacked flights never definitively said that 4-5 hijackers were on board each plane. Instead, they said they saw 3-6 hijackers for each plane, which was initially echoed by press and government reports before they changed their narrative to what's reflected in the 9/11 Commission report.
Again, it shows us that even official reports of what they said aren't congruent with each other, much less reports of where the phone calls were made or what became of the planes.