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Another discrepancy that exists with the 9/11 plane phone calls are the details reported by the callers.

For instance, Barbara Olson (AA77), Peter Hansen (UA175), and Tom Burnett (UA93) reportedly claimed to have seen or heard guns being used along with knives or boxcutters in some versions of their phone calls, which contradicts convention that only boxcutters and knives were used to harm or threaten them.

Then comes the fact that many of those who allegedly made phone calls from the flour hijacked flights never definitively said that 4-5 hijackers were on board each plane. Instead, they said they saw 3-6 hijackers for each plane, which was initially echoed by press and government reports before they changed their narrative to what's reflected in the 9/11 Commission report.

Again, it shows us that even official reports of what they said aren't congruent with each other, much less reports of where the phone calls were made or what became of the planes.

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