It amazes me how little traction this subject gets. Was the brainwashing of society so thorough as to erase critical thinking from the minds of so many humans? The possibility of a lunar landing is greater than the possibility of everything happening on 9/11 that’s was claimed to have happened, but for them to pull off what they did, TPT…
It amazes me how little traction this subject gets. Was the brainwashing of society so thorough as to erase critical thinking from the minds of so many humans? The possibility of a lunar landing is greater than the possibility of everything happening on 9/11 that’s was claimed to have happened, but for them to pull off what they did, TPTB, is truly terrifying and incredible and amazing. Impossible cell phone calls from the planes. Buildings falling straight down. No ‘bath tub’ damage in Manhattan. Seismic evidence. Etc, etc, etc. Got to hand it to them. TPTB pulled off the crime of two or three or more centuries. They got away with it. Before anyone has the weapons and smoking guns in hand, if ever, the perps will be long gone.
It amazes me how little traction this subject gets. Was the brainwashing of society so thorough as to erase critical thinking from the minds of so many humans? The possibility of a lunar landing is greater than the possibility of everything happening on 9/11 that’s was claimed to have happened, but for them to pull off what they did, TPTB, is truly terrifying and incredible and amazing. Impossible cell phone calls from the planes. Buildings falling straight down. No ‘bath tub’ damage in Manhattan. Seismic evidence. Etc, etc, etc. Got to hand it to them. TPTB pulled off the crime of two or three or more centuries. They got away with it. Before anyone has the weapons and smoking guns in hand, if ever, the perps will be long gone.