People that cant see 9/11 was an inside job by the secret agnecies of the world (as was JFK), can not comprehend whats about to happen to our country, but Rev17-18 will give you a good idea.

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Totally agree!

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not only that, but the crash dynamics prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole airliners story is FAKE.

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It's a miracle that the 'planes' didn't completely malfunction or breakup at sea level while flying at 500+ MPH, especially at the hands of amateur pilot hijackers. That in itself is why the story is questionable.

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Great article - Here is a supplementary video to your article...

9/11 Plane Passenger Lists & Phone Calls

There are a few issues with the Plane Passenger Lists & Phone Calls.

Video: https://rumble.com/v516cko-911-plane-passenger-lists-and-phone-calls.html

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"It's a frame."

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Also note that she and other UA93 occupants reported seeing three hijackers, which contradicts the official narrative that there were four hijackers onboard the plane. We see similar discrepancies with the other 9/11 flights (Renee May claimed to have seen six hijackers instead of five onboard AA77, for instance). This is yet another example of how these people simply can't keep their stories straight.

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Or, if the planes in question were flying at all, they must've made the calls a few hundred feet above ground, at most below 2,000 feet.

The 9/11 Commission and their proxies realized this, which is why they later changed their narrative to most calls having been made from air phones instead of cell phones.

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Has anyone done voice analysis on Cee Cees answer phone message? Humans change tone under stress. Unlike other alleged calls she does sound emotional and aware there is something dark going on. Probability is she has realised it is not an exercise or war games. She definitely tries to warn us at end. Also why so many calls ? If under duress I would have thought one would suffice?

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"Probability is she has realised it is not an exercise or war games."

Or maybe she was misled into believing the danger was real and not simulated, hence why she sounded emotional in the recordings we have of one of her phone calls.

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Those people couldn’t call home from inside the airliners? Don’t be silly! Richard Nixon spoke with the men on the moon by phone and there wasn’t even a delay.

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I wonder if anyone besides Dewdney made experiments with cell phones to prove or disprove his conclusions regarding phone calls from planes at or above several thousand feet in altitude. If you know any, please let me know.

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