What happened to Mark Bingham and the other passengers?

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Hi Linda,

I am still trying to establish exactly what is going regarding Mark Bingham.

I found out the name on his memorial stone is named Gerald "Mark" Bingham. Yet Mark Bingham's full alleged birth name is Mark Kendall Bingham.

Plus, as I have established, he was not assigned a seat number on the flight, or was listed on the flight manifest.

It seems likely, some passengers were part of military training exercises, which simulated a hijacking scenario from the evidence I have. It is also revealing what is published in the Victims Compensation Fund payouts.

I have previous articles covering all this, if you have a quick scroll through. I think you will find them interesting.

Many thanks for your comment and question Linda.

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Thank you. I’ll look through that.

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Excellent article, dare I say bomb proof?

Mark, you'll know who this comment is directed at. lol

May I also share my little take on Shanksville?

The 9/11 Hoodwink at Shanksville, PA

No Jet Fuel, or a plane at the Flight 93 Crash Site

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/hoodwinked-at-shanksville-on-911

O, and if people haven't watched the interview Jerm Warfare did with 9/11 Planes Research, here is the link: https://rumble.com/v646fsm-jerm-warfare-talks-to-911-planes-research.html

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Hi Norman,

Yes, I know exactly who you are referring to.

Yes by all means, add your links to any of my articles. You are doing a great job, and your vigor and energy is much appreciated.

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A bad time in America and George Bush was President at that time

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Compartmentalized operations are by default messy. In order to launch such operations, especially ones as significant as 9/11, you need to have an equally compartmentalized "clean up crew". The multitude of complex systems in place (i.e. ATC) by design operate in somewhat of an auto-pilot manner, so to speak. So the trick is to understand what systems will inadvertently participate in the clean up and which ones need more robust oversight in order to clean up the loose ends the system doesn't address. The problem with that is that there is always the human variable that can never be fully accounted... e.g. someone randomly and credibly reports seeing UAL93 loading via tarmac. The clean up of those such lose ends are high risk, potential operational exposure level events that must be weighed carefully. Is it less risky to memory-hole the loose ends with misdirection narratives and Congressional level "investigations" with "experts" saying that there is "nothing to see and keep moving" or do you hard sell the tin foil hat conspiracy angle or do you take the risk and definitively tie up the loose end. The pulse of the public's belief in what they think happened most likely is what drives the ultimate choice of action.

After all, can you imagine if a critical mass of the public could understand what actually happened on 9/11? Most importantly, would they even care at this point? JFK was assassinated by our Govt per released govt documents and yet everyone still goes about their business as if its just another day.

Great work. Great post. Don't stop pounding the truth drum. Maybe 40 or so more years from now the unredacted 9/11 files will be released and we will see if everyone acts in the same manner as the release of the JFK files.

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Many thanks for your comment and support, with your insights and reflections. I totally agree with what you have laid-out. Many layers at work, and they can only plan so much with the cover-up.

Best wishes!

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Wow. Question...did both duplicate flights have passengers then? Or just one of them?

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Hi, that is a great question, and one I am trying to solve. If I had to speculate with what I know so far, I would think passengers were on the plane over Champaign IL, which potentially landed at Cleveland, where they were deplaned. Also, some passengers may not have boarded at all, and made phone calls from the ground. I am still assessing the evidence I am putting together. I know for a fact Mark Bingham did not board United 93, as he was never assigned a seat, or neither was listed on the flight manifest.

Thanks for your question and interest.

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That would explain Alice Hoagland's jovial countenance whenever she spoke about what happened to her son. His absence from the plane (at least on paper) explains a lot about her. She knew what became of him wasn't as advertised, and she found that funny.

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The maze of information that is out there, hats off to you piecing through it all. I never paid much attention to 9/11 honestly but this research is very interesting. I do think I read that there were reports of people that saw passengers getting off of the plane in Cleveland I believe? Hard to find anything that says this but thought I saw that somewhere...anyway thank you for the research!

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