War Games Training Exercise: Plane Hijacking with Cell Phone Calls Scenario
An Independent Investigation
In this brief article, I want to draw attention to a war game training drill which took place 12 days before 9/11. The information below effectively shows the scenario involvement of cell phone calls within in a plane hijacking. I will be writing in depth in my book, the connections between to the cell phone calls on 9/11, and the type of war games training drills which were on-going during the events on 9/11.
On the 31st August 2001, the US Department of Transportation (DOT), Crisis Management Center engaged in a war game training exercise which involved the scenario of cell phone calls being made from a hijacked plane.
According to Ellen Engleman, the administrator of the DOT’s Research and Special Programs Administration, she comments that this was “actually much more than a tabletop drill”. She went on to add, “during that exercise, part of the scenario, interestingly enough, involved a potentially hijacked plane and someone calling on a cell phone, among other aspects of the scenario that were very strange when twelve days later, as you know, we had the actual event.”
Source: Mineta Transportation Institute, October 30th, 2001, p. 108, in C/11T
Please read this article below, for more related information:
Thanks for reading & caring!
Isn't it strange how the "International Center for 9/11 Justice", suppression is now pivoting their talking points, as to try and be the "go to" for all plane related talking points and not mentioning you?
Are they trying to control the narrative, like Richard Gage has done with his architects for an engineered truth organisation over the past nearly two decades....
Rather interesting now that people are waking up to 3D Volumetric Projection technology....
And I know their "Research Director", Piers Robinson is following your substack, so it's rather disingenuous of them, no? Also interesting how this organisation was formed in 2023, pushing all the demonstratively false 9/11 narratives.... Who are they really working for, is what I'd like to know.
Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11
Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/going-in-search-of-planes-in-nyc
The disingenuous search for 9/11 Justice.
An approach set up to fail.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-disingenuous-search-for-911-justice
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline
I wouldn't be surprised if CeeCee Lyles was involved in this particular drill. Was United Airlines confirmed to have participated in this hijacking exercise, by any chance?