Isn't it strange how the "International Center for 9/11 Justice", suppression is now pivoting their talking points, as to try and be the "go to" for all plane related talking points and not mentioning you?
Are they trying to control the narrative, like Richard Gage has done with his architects for an engineered truth organisation over the past nearly two decades....
Rather interesting now that people are waking up to 3D Volumetric Projection technology....
And I know their "Research Director", Piers Robinson is following your substack, so it's rather disingenuous of them, no? Also interesting how this organisation was formed in 2023, pushing all the demonstratively false 9/11 narratives.... Who are they really working for, is what I'd like to know.
I wouldn't be surprised if CeeCee Lyles was involved in this particular drill. Was United Airlines confirmed to have participated in this hijacking exercise, by any chance?
Isn't it strange how the "International Center for 9/11 Justice", suppression is now pivoting their talking points, as to try and be the "go to" for all plane related talking points and not mentioning you?
Are they trying to control the narrative, like Richard Gage has done with his architects for an engineered truth organisation over the past nearly two decades....
Rather interesting now that people are waking up to 3D Volumetric Projection technology....
And I know their "Research Director", Piers Robinson is following your substack, so it's rather disingenuous of them, no? Also interesting how this organisation was formed in 2023, pushing all the demonstratively false 9/11 narratives.... Who are they really working for, is what I'd like to know.
Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11
Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts
The disingenuous search for 9/11 Justice.
An approach set up to fail.
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
I wouldn't be surprised if CeeCee Lyles was involved in this particular drill. Was United Airlines confirmed to have participated in this hijacking exercise, by any chance?
Even having a ‘drill’ was a psyop considering cells don’t work from planes. They would have known that
At least not in high altitudes, anyway.