Was The Wrong Plane Debris Planted at the Flight 93 Crash Site in Shanksville, PA?
Independent Investigation into the alleged Plane Crashes on 9/11
United 93: For some unknown reason, this piece of aircraft debris doesn’t match a Boeing 757, which was the aircraft we were led to believe crashed in Shanksville PA on 9/11. The aircraft debris was photographed on top of a container which was housing aircraft debris which was allegedly recovered from the crash site.
What happened to this piece of debris which does not match the United Airlines aircraft that we were told crashed on 9/11? I am sure if it had of matched the aircraft it would have been on display in the Flight 93 museum. Does this suggest the wrong type of aircraft debris was planted at the scene? This piece of debris magically disappeared. There was no official documentation or chain of custody involving any of the aircraft debris from any of the 4 alleged plane crashes. Is this why, there are no debris parts officially matched by their serial numbers to the 4 named aircrafts that allegedly crashed on 9/11?
Thanks for reading and caring!
in addition to all the other evidence to be had
the laws of physics clearly indicate that no airliner ever flown could have done
what was allegedly done on 9/11/2001
And I love how that wing part didn't totally disintegrate upon impact with the ground. That in itself is a telltale sign of fraud, IMO, as plane wings aren't known to be the strongest parts of an aircraft. I wouldn't expect it to look so pristine in contrast to the rest of the rubble shown beneath it.