in addition to all the other evidence to be had

the laws of physics clearly indicate that no airliner ever flown could have done

what was allegedly done on 9/11/2001

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And I love how that wing part didn't totally disintegrate upon impact with the ground. That in itself is a telltale sign of fraud, IMO, as plane wings aren't known to be the strongest parts of an aircraft. I wouldn't expect it to look so pristine in contrast to the rest of the rubble shown beneath it.

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All you need do is a comparison of the Ethiopia Airlines Flight 302 crash site, which had a similar crash speed and angle, and it will be abundantly clear that Shanksille was a staged HOAX.

Boy, people can be so easily HOODWINKED.

Video: https://rumble.com/v592xwq-stumping-911-truther-experts.html

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This short video perfectly encapsulates what you're saying. Like the other stories told about 9/11 (it being a "surprise attack" or a result of "failure of imagination", for example), this whole Shanksville saga has always been a fairytale.


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I've used some of his videos in my article...

The 9/11 Hoodwink at Shanksville, PA

No Jet Fuel, or a plane at the Flight 93 Crash Site

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/hoodwinked-at-shanksville-on-911

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Yeah, the whole thing was a farce. Thanks a lot!

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Speaking of this peculiar plane part, compare this to the underbelly of a United Airlines Boeing 757. You'll notice that none of the wings from the tail or the midsection matches this piece. The 757's wings doesn't have any visible holes that match that part's holes. This discrepancy indicates fraud at play here, which also puts into doubt the rest of the debris shown.


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Hi Jane,

When I found this photograph a few years ago, I was very surprised that no one had ever picked up that piece of debris in the photo. I was going to save this for my book, but decided it was more important to be put out into the public domain, rather than waiting to include it in my book. IMHO, this is the best evidence to show fraud regarding the planting of plane debris. Also, it is possible that this debris and the Shanksville plane event was part of one of their training exercises on 9/11. There was other debris sites too, which I have a screen shot of, which was only shown once on the news coverage.

Thanks for your comment. Plus, I will reply to your other comments on my other posts soon.

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You're welcome.

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Thanks Bob. I had to go there with family and hated every minute of it. I look forward to finding out what really happened.

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