Bottom line here, the physics of the alleged airliner crashes proves beyond any doubt that the whole "planes used as weapons" fairy tale is an insult to human intelligence.

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Absolutely agree with your comment.

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Very, very new. Asking good faith questions to learn

(I have2 big evil conspiracies so I know about secret societies)

If there were 2.... What happened to passengers?

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What happened to passengers?

Give this a watch: https://rumble.com/v516cko-911-plane-passenger-lists-and-phone-calls.html

Ever heard the term, collateral damage?

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This information underscores that the “official narrative” has big problems. Some top notch investigative work you have done!

The degree of planning, deceit, disregard for human life and the certain knowledge by some of our public facing “leaders” is just so dark. Very hard to comprehend that entities (I won’t call them humans) like this exist.

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Many thanks for your comment Kristin, and taking an interest. I totally agree with your comment.

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Very compelling evidence to support your theory on FL 93. I absolutely believe it. I'm curious about if there were passengers and if so what happened to them....or maybe I don't want to know.

My niece and her 10 yr old listened to supposed phone calls from passengers of Flight 93. That's the sick and twisted part!

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

Many thanks for taking the time to read it.

Regarding the passengers, it looks likely that they may have unknowingly been part of a training exercise, and also, some passengers boarded a different plane. For example, in the official documents, it shows Mark Bingham was not assigned a seat number on UA93. This is highly unusual, and there is no way he could've boarded the plane without being assigned a seat number. Plus, I have other evidence regarding AA11, that passengers didn't board that flight. It is quite complex information which I have been working on for sometime. I have photos of passengers for AA77 at the boarding D26 gate, however AA77's telemetry data shows it was at gate 19 or 21, and not the assigned gate D26. All very strange!

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I'm interested to read whatever you publish on it.

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Many thanks Deb. I will keep you (and everyone else) posted with new research which will be coming out soon.

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Did you read the books by the retired Flight Attendant? I accidentally heard it when another video ended and her interview started playing before I could switch it off. I listened to her briefly and she proves alot of 9/11 was not possible... the way we heard it. Methodical Illusion by Rebekah Roth....

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Mark has written extensively on how Rebekah Roth is controlled opposition.

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Nothing surprises me but she said the cell phone calls weren't possible back then and the supposed terrorists that highjacked the planes were alive and upset with the lies about them so I don't know what to think.

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Check out my article...

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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Wow that was a comprehensive article with so much information. I saw the video of the Pentagon and it was a missile, no question. But I wasn't aware of when DE was first used. You make a compelling case. I did not read Roths book, just listened to her. I want the truth about this released because so many people would become more aware than just listening to TV. Thanks for sharing. Wow!!

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Are you referring to the Pentagon 9/11 Missile HOAX video?

Link: https://rumble.com/v53xbdg-pentagon-911-missile-hoax.html

The PentaCon on 9/11

When even a missile did not hit a target

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-pentacon-on-911

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I don't think it was this one it was with a guy on the ground walking toward the Pentagon and a missile went right by him and then explosion. But that was right after and then disappeared. I believe you. I just remember sitting in front of the TV hoping for survivors. At Easter we went to Pennsylvania to visit our niece and nephew and they took us to the flight 93 museum and our niece is liberal with no faith and I just kept my mouth shut but barely participated because it's a dam lie. I was appalled at the elaborate sham of a museum and I pray with everything I have for the truth to come out.... but what about the families of all the dead? How would it rock their world to know it was a lie?? I just don't know how that should go. I appreciate you sharing so much and all your work to assemble this information.

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