Elephant in the "Plane Hugging" 9/11 Truth Movement Living Room
A Difficult Fact: No Emergency Locator Transmissions on 9/11
The plane hugging talking heads within the 9/11 Truth Movement who attempt to convince people that the four “officially” named planes crashed into the four “officially” named targets on 9/11, will not discuss, address, or inform their viewers, that none of the four “officially” named planes activated an Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) signal at the time of the four plane crashes on 9/11. This should have been the case, that four ELTs were activated at the point of the four planes crashed on 9/11.
It is impossible that four ELTs were not activated at the point of the four crashes. The only reason why there were no ELTs is because the four officially named planes did not crash at the four named targets on 9/11.
Not one of the 9/11 Truth Movement “plane huggers” wants to address this awkward fact. Instead, they would rather distract people with how the four named planes were “remotely controlled” to crash into their targets. However, if this were the case, they still should have activated four ELTs. The 9/11 Truth Movement “plane huggers” will never explain how they did this without activating the ELT system in the aircrafts. Bearing in mind, that the ELT cannot be manually deactivated by the pilot nor remotely.
Please remember these facts, when 9/11 Truth Movement “plane huggers” are deceiving you.
Please read this article I wrote covering in more depth regarding the lack of ELTs on 9/11. https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/no-emergency-locator-transmitters
Thanks for reading & caring!
This self evident proof of 4 missing black boxes destroys the public 911 narrative of hijackers and planes crashing into buildings
This is especially problematic for the Boeing 767s involved, as their ELTs cannot be manually triggered. The Boeing 757s are a different story, but either way, I doubt hijackers would care to bother with them (if they even knew of their existence).
The yes-planers will probably argue that the ELTs were tampered with or weren't functional, but what are the odds that all four weren't working on 9/11? And why would anyone bother to mess them up? What was that going to accomplish? Wouldn't they actually want the ELTs to work properly so they could be activated at the official times and places designated for the four planes, thereby providing indicators that they did indeed crash as advertised?