There were no planes, period.

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Exactly, but you have to demonstrate the case for no planes. By presenting the evidence that the original flights were no where near the "alleged" crashes at the time and still airborne, demonstrates the fact to people who are not quite as far along as you and myself in this subject area.

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It's time people start delving deeper into what they think the truth is of the events on September 11, 2001.

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Cgi planes crashed into the video of 911

Did anyone have their video files scrutinised?

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I have spoken to some eyewitnesses and videographers. I also have a friend who was in NYC at the time, and he definitely seen what he thought was the second plane crash into the South Tower. From my research over the last 13 years, I am more heading towards this 3D volumetric illusion technology they have secretly developed. I show a patent in a film called 9/11 Alchemy "A big Idea", which came out in Sept 2021, and also cover the planes and the technology in 9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality" which came out in Aug 2018. We found a lot of misdirection with those pushing the video fakery and CGI, and being quite deceptive. This may have been pushed deliberately to cover-up the secret technology they used, plus to be a false explanation to explain the anomalies in the videos of the second plane, like missing wings, impossible speed and no crash physics or collision into the building. Check out my early blog articles from 2013 onwards at http://911planesresearch.blogspot.com

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Holograms then?

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It is looking likely at this stage based on all the evidence. The technology I have been uncovering is rather more advanced that a hologram though. I was took-in quite a bit by the video fakery and CGI around 2007-8, and really didn't question what was being presented until 2012, when I really started looking into films like September Clues, which to my disappointment was full of misdirection, and in some cases seemed almost a deliberately misleading. I was on Richard D. Hall's show [ https://www.richplanet.net/richp_genre.php?ref=244&part=1&gen=99 ]talking about this and presenting examples of it. The other disappointing part was, that neither Simon Shack, or Ace Baker would correct their mistakes or errors, and update their work. I found this rather telling to be honest. I think as truth seekers, we have to remain open to new information, and we can update our knowledge when we do remain openminded.

Here's just one example of many I have documented where Shack misleads his viewers of his films. here: https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com/2015/11/simon-shacks-amateur-effort-of-video_15.html


MC @ 9/11 Planes Research

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There is also video footage of the explosions with no planes visible; the intelligence services already had the requisite CGI technology to "add" the planes, albeit very amateurishly, as it appeared they just disappeared into the sides of the buildings, rather than break up at "impact."

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Oh for sure, Newtonian 3rd Laws of physics was definitely not present on 9/11, with the cartoon planes.

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911 was one big satanic charade and they either paid off or killed off anyone who knew too much and might have interfered with the fairy tale that were presented as facts. Not that they considered the American public to have the intellectual ability to decipher fact from fiction anyway...

I mean, the finding of the alleged hijacker's passport.. that is, the skyscrapers burn down but a paper passport is found intact.. another 'hijackers' Driver's license expired on 9/ 11 /2001.... they're laughing in our faces.

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