A new photograph has emerged showing “alleged” United 175 just before it impacts the South Tower on 9/11.
The interesting element about this photograph is, it shows the left wing phasing out and glitching, and is inconsistent with what we should be observing of a wing in dark shadow at that moment. Many photographs and videos show the same anomaly.
Many debunkers, have tried to explain the phasing out wing anomaly as compression and also background merging, because of the plane’s wing is similar colouring to the South Tower building, which causes digital cameras to interpret and merge the building’s colour and plane wing colour, thus causing it to look like the plane’s wing is disappearing. The problem with this theory is, in many photographs that show the wing anomaly, the wing is set against the skyline backdrop which the wing colour is not closely matching to the skyline colour.
The other problem that the debunkers encounter, which they cannot explain is the inconsistent shadows and reflective light from the alleged plane, that should be casting the wing in shadow. Compression would play no part in altering the reflective light cast by the sunlight, or the shadow of the plane wing cast from the building.
I have demonstrated in all my analysis articles that the plane’s wing, anomalies are not the result of compression. I have also shown that eyewitnesses also observed the anomaly also, which made the plane look to them like a “rocket” or “missile”. Other eyewitnesses described the plane as a small plane, not a large Boeing 767 plane.
I concluded based on all my analysis into the photographic and video evidence, that the second alleged plane captured in the videos and photographs was not the result of video compression artifact, or CGI video fakery, where the plane was inserted into the video footage or photographs. This element makes no sense, as the perps would have inserted a plane which looked like a United plane, not a plane full of glitches.
I conclude what was captured in the videos and photographs was captured in real-time on the day, and was some type of three dimensional volumetric image projection, technology, which cloaked around a delivery system vehicle similar to a missile, which displayed the three dimension image of the plane, and depending on where eyewitnesses, photographers and videographers were positioned and located, the three dimensional image projection system was not as convincing, which was captured in a number of videos and photographs, and reported by eyewitnesses as small plane, rocket or a missile.
The plane itself was travelling at cruising speed of 586mph at sea level, which is an impossible speed for a Boeing 767, at 700 to a 1,000 feet, because of the air being far too dense, which the engines would not be able to pass through due to their capacity, to only fly at 586mph at altitudes to which they cruise at where the air is far more less dense. Also, the structure of the aircraft would be compromised travelling at 586mph at sea level. It is also observed that there is impossible crash physics during the “alleged” plane’s impact into the South Tower. There is no breaking off of the tail section, and wings on impact or explosion ignition of fuel which is stored in the wings, which should have been ignited on impact. Also, we no plane debris falling below on impact from the collision, which violated and inconsistent with Newtonian third laws of physics.
Thanks for reading, listening & caring!
For those wishing to further their knowledge in this area of the anomalies associated with the plane wings in the videos, please read my associated analysis articles and also see a collection of videos to view also below:
Also see, Mat of ‘Math Easy Solutions’ research compilation of the disappearing wings and other 9/11 Plane Anomalies videos below:
Right Wing Disappears at Exact Same Time and Place in 9 Videos:
Compilation videos below:
Lopez, Naudet, Courchesne wings disappear out of sync: https://t.me/meslinks/26702
3D Volumetric Image Projection on 9/11 (Clip from Censored Documentary):
Also, watch the 9/11 Alchemy “Facing Reality” Film, which I was involved with regarding the research on the planes.
Thanks for your interest.
Bottom line here . . . .
the crash physics clearly prove beyond any doubt that all 4 of the alleged planes were FAKE.
Tomahawk cruise missile speed 550 to 580mph Mmmm couldn't possibly be one of them? Could it ... Very likely!